Smart Web Hosting!

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How can your service be free?  Is there a Catch?

eSmartStart.Com's web hosting is 100% free for its users!  All users get 250 MB of web space absolutely free as well as a bundle of excellent tools and utilities.  We feel there are plenty of subscriber services around the web eager to take your money.  We are more interested in making our service free to you than making money off of subscriptions.  

So how does eSmartStart.Com make any money?

eSmartStart is able to offer its services for free because, like radio, the costs involved are covered by advertising instead of subscriptions.  eSmartStart inserts advertisements into each webpage when it is displayed.  This is done automatically, so there is no need for users to insert any cryptic tags into webpages to make the system work.  Users simply upload their web pages to their website and the web server takes care of the ads.

eSmartStart will not display ads promoting adult or pornographic material, gambling, or unethical activities.  We use the largest and most reputable web advertising agencies, such as and, for the bulk of our advertising inventory to ensure that ads are tasteful and appropriate to all audiences.  If, in the unlikely event, you see any ads that you deem questionable, CONTACT US and we will remove them promptly.




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